Saturday 15 March 2014

Task 4c) & 5a) Development of Inquiry ideas within the workplace and & ethical considerations

So after having an in depth conversation with Paula about the possibilities behind both of my subject lines of inquiry I am currently more swayed to that of management as it ecompasses a lot of areas I am interested in and my current employment allows me substantial access to these areas. We currently have plans for 2 new productions underway and therefore as part of task 4c I am in the process of asking my director and others if it is possible for me to be involved in witnessing the collaboration and factors that bring the productions together. What's great about my theatre is we have several separate departments: Ballet company, Drama, Orchestra, Opera, Costume, Stage crew, Promotions team etc. that all become involved when we put on new shows. This gives me a broad basis to explore.

A big part of my inquiry topic is going to involve work research/insider research and as explained in Reader 4, will involve a lot of ethical consideration. Primarily I want to understand how management works on a professional level to gain more knowledge and insight through looking at my own company's methods. I am not looking to fault specific happenings. Part of inquiry is to ask about change for further development with a topic so understandably there will be elements of questioning however being an employee means first and foremost I am under policy and will need to find out exactly what can or cannot be publicised.

Before finding out the exact policies I am already aware of some of the rules regarding the protection of information in the company. Any specific happenings can not be published without permission, for example names of participants will be kept anonymous, data will be fully protected and all knowledge & intellectual efforts of others will be clearly referenced. In regards to other work ethics such as the respect and reliability between co-workers it is always important to have both. I am primarily at my work as a dancer and as part of my job description there must always be respect towards others, reliability and confidence in knowing I can carry out my work to the fullest standard. Communication and manners come under this section and both will be vital when it comes to me exploring more into management with those I will be working with.


  1. Emma, it sounds like your inquiry is extremely clear.
    the trouble i am having at the moment is that i have so many ideas and thoughts that i am finding it hard to put into a clear inquiry.
    yours sounds great, maybe ask around and get opinions from others about your inquiry and rule out some of "pointless" ideas like me. I am going through ticking off and crossing off what i think is needed and what isnt at the moment. hopefully it will help form a clear structure as well as finding more literature. :)

  2. Yes - the business of art-based companies and the management of the productions sounds like an interesting context, good to see you are considering others in your planning.
