Tuesday 17 March 2015

Interview Questions

So I have been preparing my interview questions and feel I'm quite close to being set. So thought I would share with you how I came to these questions and my process.

As this is my main data gathering tool I really need to be sure I am able to gather all the relevant information needed. Here are pictures of my notes so you can grasp some of my thoughts. I began with my inquiry questions and explored them further, adding sub-questions in order to gain a deeper understanding and evidence of what I am looking into:

The first two parts to my interview are semi structured questions with room for flexibility yet specific to the areas I want answered. The third part of my interview is a lot more open and as you can see I have noted subject topics that I wish to explore. I feel the semi-structured questions would not work as well for this section as the areas I explore will be based on what my interviewee is expressing.

I would be really grateful for your feedback and input on my questions. Are there any changes you would make?
I plan to use the voice recorder on my phone to record the interviews and there may a possibility for me to film them.